Contact us Today: 843-224-7638

Are you READY for RECOVERY, DONE with low results & DEVOTED to ACCEPTANCE+ CHANGE?

At DBT Charleston, we do DBT for Generational Trauma. We do DBT for ALL genders.

Sex positivity. Authentic Sexuality. Intimacy in Adult Attachment.

QUESTIONING relational systems as an ALLY, professional, LGBTQ+ community member, or student?

Desire BREAKTHROUGHS in communications+ RELIEF from emotional pain+ complex trauma?

READY to TRULY RISE through obstacles to BUILD a LIFE WORTH LIVING? 




**See stamp above displayed only by fully DBT-certified therapists.**

DBT + DBT PE isn’t just therapy.

It is a whole education on how to ease your suffering & build a life worth living.

DBT of CHARLESTON! Original DBT + DBT PE center, 20 years independently serving Charleston’s community.

We feel it is our responsibility to offer this educational website to empower YOUR CONSUMER KNOWLEDGE.  Our desire is to give GUIDANCE on what adherent DBT is so YOU MAY DISCERN wisely & SUPPORT YOUR LIFE with WISE-MINDED THERAPEUTIC CHOICES.


Look for the certification stamp as seen above TO BE ASSURED a therapist is fully DBT-certified.



 “It completely transformed my life, met all my goals!”

“This is the best treatment I’ve ever received in my entire life.”

“I can hardly believe I’ve come so far.

“With Sarah at DBT Charleston in her DBT + DBT PE + DYT Programs, I’ve learned sharing something so intense does not mean its gonna be a burden, I actually found it (sharing skillfully-mindfully) can help other people too. To openly acknowledge something as traumatic that might otherwise be normalized can help other peoples’ healing, as well as my own. It’s very validating, sharing openly has a dual benefit of healing of all involved. Even my worst (when I used to struggle with suicidal thoughts) experiences can be helpful, rather than harmful to share. Even at my worst, I’ve learned I’m still lovable. Coming back to this realization again and again is what makes life worth living. My scariest emotions helped someone, if it helped once it can again and again~ its an ongoing possibility.”

“No matter how many times you struggle, doing dbt pe at DBT Charleston you learn to come to know you’re competent to get back to the place to express emotions and have them be heard and be helpful. It’s profound, emotions you think will drive people away can, actually draw them closer.”

“Thanks for being cool and being you (to Sarah). DYT (Dialectical Yoga Therapeutics, Director of DBT Charleston, Sarah’s development for stage 3-4 graduates) helps me feel like I’m still part of it and still connected. DYT helps me to feel I can implement and embody my DBT PE exposure in everyday life that much more.”

“DYT gives me something to keep doing, working on and learning from, since DBT and exposure are more like second nature and lifestyle now (after going through the DBT program at DBT Charleston and joining the Grad program here). DYT is a lifestyle that helps me feel that I’m staying connected to the DBT + DBT PE (stage 1-2) path I’ve been on. Now, I take it deeper into my day-to-day life with DYT.”

All from Anonymous DBT + DBT PE + DYT Program Graduates within Sarah's Care

Charleston Professionals, Community Members, College Students, Confidential Clients

Likewise, this program for YOU brings Sarah Greenwood, the ONLY CHARLESTON LISTED Fully-Certified Clinician as shown. (educate yourself, SEARCH Linehan Institute for clinician’s name or by city to see who’s listed as Board-Certified Clinician! –>) DBT clinician.

Our CARE is for YOU (CLICK to expand)


With LOVE for SUPPORTING OUR COMMUNITY, we have been in service to the area for nearly TWO DECADES. Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) of Charleston offers complete, comprehensive DBT program as developed by DBT Founder Marsha Linehan.  NO MATTER WHAT, DBT of Charleston clients work DIRECTLY with fully Linehan-Board certified DBT clinician. 

Clients benefit from Sarah’s 15 years clinical experience and her direct training with Marsha Linehan, PhD.  NO interns or clinicians who are not fully DBT-Linehan Board Certified will lead YOUR THERAPY at DBT of CHARLESTON.  As SOLE Original DBT Center of Charleston, we have offered Gold Standard Specialized DBT with FIDELITY since 2005.

DBT of Charleston currently has limited open slots for the following: motivated adults, ambitious young adults (17+) and driven teens welcome.  Therapy for the therapist, professional adults (or Professional DBT Practice & Certification Consultation for Clinicians) are also highly considered.  Our specialized adult programs start with 4 pre-treatment program assessment sessions for DBT + DBT PE program intake consideration (we give teens a similar process).  Our director has specific long recovery passions for medical professionals and students, performers of the arts and clinical therapists. Sarah also has vast experience with other high profile professionals, activists, people with sexually expansive identities (LGBTQNDI-A+) and BIPOC.  Our director has a special skillset for treating those wanting gender and racial systemic recovery for justice and relief. Contact us NOW TODAY.

Note:  When we are full at DBT of Charleston, please contact us directly for advising.  We take great care in referrals to support our callers with top Gold Standard treatment providers for referral needs. See more on Referrals here.

DBT of Charleston's DIRECTOR is ENTHUSED to meet YOU (CLICK to expand)

Sarah Greenwood, LPC, LCMHC, M.A. graduated with High Honors and is a vastly experienced DBT-Linehan Board of Certification, Certified Clinician™.

As a College of Charleston (CofC) graduate with B.A. in Theater Performance, Sarah brings an expressive flair to clinical-therapeutic work with clients and has long Charleston SC. familial and ancestral roots.  Past certified personal trainer, cultural dance and pilates teacher, Sarah has long studied mindful exercise sciences as side passions.  Sarah’s parents did residency/taught (+Sarah taught yoga there later) at widely respected MUSC before her birth in MN.  Meanwhile, upon return Sarah now has experienced near 25 years of residence.  Due to her long experience in this Southern, local and charming community Sarah is long familiar with the growth of DBT in Charleston.  As previously clarified, it was our practice at DBT of Charleston who introduced DBT and its origins to Ya’ll!  Likewise, Sarah was the FIRST to INTRODUCE ‘DBT PE’ (applied for complex trauma) by way of her original launch of Melanie Harned’s stage 2 at DBT Charleston in 2014!  We appreciate our community’s long-standing, ongoing loyalty to our MISSION of delivering TRUE DBT to our BELOVED CHARLESTON PEOPLE with our virtual therapy and educational programs reach through the Carolinas and far beyond.

Eclectic, Ambitious Therapist Brings IT (CLICK to expand)

THRILLED to CONNECT with YOU, DBT Charleston’s Director, Sarah Greenwood (she/box free), LPC, LCMHC, practices DBT devotedly herself.  Holding an M.A. in Mental Health Counseling with High Honors (of top % in her class), Sarah Greenwood is a DBT-Linehan Board of Certification, Certified Clinician™.  Moreover, she is an Advanced DBT Prolonged Exposure (+DBT PE) Expert.  Certainly, Sarah spent near a decade in rigorous training, multiple advanced exams, & personalized 1-on-1 weekly consultation.  In other words, she closely, individually studied with DBT WORLD-CLASS DBT Portland Institute / Seattle Linehan Institute revered consultant.

PASSIONATE about SERVING YOU, the COMMUNITY, Sarah graduated Women’s Leadership Program of Yale University’s School of Management Executive Ed.  Through Yale, Sarah obtained outstanding grades in strengths of effective assertiveness, empathy & emotional intelligence as a female leader. 

BEYOND ORDINARY EXPERTISE: Rock your DBT Therapy (CLICK to expand)

DRIVEN to HELP YOU, our DBT +DBT PE program director, Sarah also has two decades experience teaching yoga therapeutics.  WNC Asheville advanced certified 500-level yoga therapeutics instructor, Sarah studied with lead physical therapist & contemplative psychology specialist.

With HONOR to JAPANESE CULTURAL and SCIENTIFIC ROOTS of DBT, Sarah is uniquely & directly trained by DBT founder.  Researcher, DBT founder and ZEN master Marsha Linehan, Ph.D is shown on this page in 2013 photo with Sarah.  At DBT Charleston, Sarah is committed to bring you most direct therapy linked to DBT’s developer.  Marsha Linehan, Ph.D found what works by evidence of witnessing years of therapy impacts to people like YOU.  

To best serve you, Sarah, highly experienced complex trauma therapist, originated LAUNCH of ‘DBT PE stage TWO’ in Charleston.  With MORE THAN A DECADE of stage 2 CPTSD specialization in DBT + DBT-Prolonged Exposure Protocol (DBT+ DBT-PE) alone; she has refined the art of treating complex trauma. ON TOP of her 15 years of DBT clinical expertise with fidelity to original DBT research models, stage 2 DBT PE improves stage 1 DBT OUTCOMES 3-4x as shown by evidence.  DEVOTED to COMMUNITY RECOVERY, Sarah has formal training for minority-based traumatic invalidation, anti-racism, anti-transphobia.  With long-time clinical experience with clients on racial/cultural/ethnicity issues, LGBTNDIQ+-A concerns Sarah strives to increase ally-ship.  Furthermore, Sarah has worked with an array of life philosophies and/or spiritual perspectives.  Called to care for increasing equality, Sarah is passionate about working with people with sexually expansive identities.

FOR YOUR GOLD SUPPORT, At DBT of Charleston, we uphold & offer all four core aspects of evidence-based DBT + DBT PE program:

1. Individual DBT + DBT PE Skills-Based Expert Therapy Sessions

2. DBT +DBT PE Skills Class

3. DBT +DBT PE Phone Coaching

4. A Professional DBT Consultation Team of DBT + DBT PE Experts, Psychologists, & Therapists

A “True” DBT + DBT PE consultation team is focused on “therapy for the therapist.”  Holding therapists this way is an ‘inside-out’ approach that promotes effective professional decisions concerning your case.  OUR ‘TRUE’ DBT TEAM ultimately supports you with a wisely balanced DBT + DBT PE skills-embodied clinician.

DBT in the News: DBT Graduate Selena Gomez shares her experience of participating in DBT Therapy with her DBT-Linehan Board Certified Therapist.


More+ Media on DBT: Lady Gaga’s success journey in DBT.

SIMILARLY, WITH all four evidenced aspects of the DBT (+DBT PE) program, we strive for life-transformative outcomes for YOU.  Such OUTCOMES are evidenced by our adherence to corresponding research out of the University of Washington.  Through our devotion, we maintain training fidelity with Behavior Tech|Linehan Institute at fully-board certified levels.


Is DBT right for you?

Do you….

  • find it challenging to manage emotions?
  • experience unbearable emotional pain?
  • have difficulty maintaining and/or keeping relationships?
  • fear abandonment?
  • have sudden intense emotive responses as if a past painful event were reoccurring?
  • have a chronic sense of emptiness?
  • have thoughts about self-harm or act on self-harm behaviors?
  • have thoughts of wanting to die?
  • have uncertain sense of self?
  • suspect you may have overlooked complex trauma symptoms linked to attachment, development, -or- gender, racial, sexual and/or ethnic orientation and identities?

If you answered yes to inquiries above, we want to help bring clarity, direction & balance to your life.

Helpful Links



Sarah shares DBT is a name meant to be carefully protected to preserve your treatment recovery.  We protect high quality of care you are pursuing, investing in and intending to receive with TRUE DBT.

At DBT of Charleston, an independent center, we care about people & our community.  Further, we want ya’ll properly educated about what true DBT (+DBT PE) is.   Subsequently, individuals pursuing DBT (+DBT PE) can get the therapy they actually sought out for their struggles.

We’ve trained hard for YOU and your well-being.  In short, we stand strong in the HEALTH & INTEGRITY of what we are delivering to our community. (See Choosing a “True” DBT Therapist

To sum up, we adhere to principles of the DBT program as taught by its founder, lead psychologist & Zen master Marsha Linehan, PhD.  In consequence, we can assure our consult teams of therapists over the decades have been immersed with a variety of DBT clinicians. 


That is to say, these sharp team DBT + DBT PE clinicians have special niches who practice all around the country and world.  Therefore, many of our team clinicians have met advanced DBT Intensive training requirements with Behavioral Tech.  Along with this, NUMEROUS of our team experts have gone on with Linehan Institute to complete highest Certification Training.  Notably, that is greatest a DBT therapist could accomplish under direct review from MARSHA LINEHAN & her immediate team.

Such standards have helped create a strong network of resilient therapists and resources to support CLINICIANS & clients’ cases.